Brittany Ferries 5 Star Service.

Rattus Rattess had decided against keeping the kiddy car seats recently made redundant by the growth of N,G amd O and given me a fairly blunt, collect them or they go to the dump option.  Hence I collected them on Sunday and, being out and about in the camper popped in to see Jolly Jonny Jeff – and came away two crutches the richer.  They have taken a lot of weight of my knee and I can feel the difference – but it is not conclusive as time may wll have been the healing factor.  God, old researchers can be so pedantic!  Of greater interest is that having a crutch and the correlation with talking in Poiratese!  Long John Silver, eat your heart out.

Esther, from WVM, had sent out a plea for extra staff on Monday so to cancel that one would have been unforgivable.  Ms. Ringing tried to send me out alone on the first of a two part route saying that the delivery went to a place where they always helped; she realised that she was on a loser on that one and gave me a very pleasant vanboy who had a deadline, so I dropped her off at the oxo and then took Waterford James for the second part.  SatNavs?  Pah and thrice pah!  Our last delivery was not quite where a map on my phone showed it to be.  A phone call to Wllm. didn’t help; the man in the park office couldn’t help.  After an hour or so hobbling round the park wherein (allegedly) lay our location I rang back and Wllm found someone who had been there before – People before Technology!

During the grand hobble Geo. rang; he seemed underimpressed that I was driving, loading and unloading a van.  For a roughty-toughty he can be a bit of a wimp at times.

Because of all the shananigans I was late meeting Liz, from Crisis volunteer to paid staff, as arranged but it was close to the head office so she didn’t waste her time.  As requested, she had checked on the book for this Midwinter Consumerfest opening; I tried the day after to no avail.  Alhumdulallah; it is Crisis.  After a mere five days the booking-in procedure had caught up with the promise; that is escape and evasion for the Midwinter Consumerfest arranged.

A young woman from Brittany Ferries had rung me as I had ticked a box for the discommoded but ambulant; I was offered a parking space close to the lift and a cabin similarly available.  The medic who suggested exercise didn’t reckon with WVM – my journey was far from comfortable; at least I used the cabin to full value, being woken by the 30 minutes to docking alarm.  JJJ’s crutches were an inspired thought of his, despite my exertions I am still managing to hobble about.  Having promised myself no undue exercise for a week or two I may have a small job that requires a step ladder, but i need only climb one or two steps and I can do that one step at a time, so keeping the damaged one straight…  Having made my bed I am content to lie on it; being an anti-social misanthrope does mean peace and tranquility but it also means a dearth of assistance even when it could be handy.

Alchie Annie took pity and offered to drive to the market on Thursday, an offer I accepted with alacrity.  Even the rather stolid, very Breton greengrocer told off a woman who accusd me of queue-jumping when I went back to his stall for an important, forgotten item.  I could get used to this coddling but think that  I will still stick with the misanthropy.  Limping be damned – I still managed to drive back later to use the WiFi station (bar) to watch TOMA’s latest escapade in Europe.  What a tangled web we weave when we practice to manipulate plebiscites.  How Europe can include Israel and former parts of the eastern Soviet Union I am not too sure.

For October the weather was unsesonably balmy but it couldn’t last and didn’t – Saturday was wet and dark and a definite why get up when you are well enough to stay in bed day.  Cathy had rang me on Friday evening, she had travelled up from Nantes to collect Lena for their week together but the latter had decided at the last moment that she preferred to stay with dad; a psychic massage was urgently required – followed by a couple of Jamesons and then some Calvados.  It wasn’t only the weather that made it a stay in bed morning.

As a farewell to the Indian summer the Breton sky showed sympathy with the auld alliance:

and presented a saltyre, (for those with a vivid imagination) not long before a Scottish politician on Question Time pointed out that Scotland had been denied a second vote on independence  just as the British were being denied an opportunity to comment on their exit from the EU (which Scotland as a nation had firmly rejected)..

Virginia Creeper may, I don’t know, get its name from the USian state but looking at the ones I have planted at LTC shows why I question the, “New England in the Farl,” mantra.  They may have the acreage but westen Europe can compete for colour – and October is the month of the chestnut locally.  Redon goes harvest happy for one of its most abundant crops, but more of that in later broadcasts, I am sure.  It was in New England a year ago that I realised that, for all my love of western Europe at this time of year, I had somehow managed to be absent since 2012 and promised myself to not go away this year.

The sun has very definitely gone south for the winter.  After it blowing a hooley and raining the proverbial on Sunday morning I watched TOMA playing at Craven Cottage and envied the players their attendant shadows; alhumdulallah, at least it was slightly brighter outside.

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